It's All About Me

I'm a young-ish mom to Olivia (on the brink of being old-ish) who looks for humor in most situations but can be overly sarcastic at times.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

24 Things

In honor of the 24th day of the month, I am going to list 24 things that may make me angry/sad-ish, frustrate or upset me AND things that may make me happy or give me a laugh.  I will not specify to which group each thing belongs:

  1. Painted toenails.
  2. Raisins.
  3. Ambiguous communication and unclear intentions/futures.
  4. "The Room".
  5. The cats who roam around Mom's house and jump in my lap for some attention.
  6. Kit Kat bars.
  7. Non-stop rain for two to four days in a row.
  8. Buttermilk biscuits.
  9. Birthday parties.
  10. Odd/Uncomfortable situations in public.
  11. Leg warmers.
  12. Portland, OR.
  13. Coffee shop chit-chat.
  14. Driving all day long.
  15. Sushi.
  16. Costco.
  17. The Disney Channel.
  18. Baked potatoes.
  19. Chucks.
  20. Snakes.
  21. Losing power and not having a fully charged battery.
  22. Ceviche.
  23. That weird smell in my car.
  24. Whatever bulb that is pushing through the ground next to my Japanese maple.  Not tulips but I can't remember what the things are called.
Upon review, this random list turned out to be almost evenly split.  How ridiculously average of me.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Greg Sestero aka Oh hi, Mark

My latest obsession but not because he is haaaaawt. He is simply a major player in "The Room" aka "The Worst Movie Ever Made".

It will take a good month and three-quarters before I'm over this one.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

...With the Passion of Tennessee Williams

My friend, Morgan, introduced me to "The Room" aka "The Worst Movie Ever Made". I can't get this gem out of my head.

Thanks, Morgan. (said with a mix of sarcasm and gratitude)

Here are two unforgettable scenes...enjoy!

I did naaaawt.

That's me.


1: agreeable
2: being on the same wavelength

I have met many agreeable people. I have met only a few people who share my same wavelength. (My brother doesn't count.)

Monday, January 04, 2010

Live and Learn and Learn and Learn and Learn and Live

If it appears that a guy is a Mama's Boy, blowhard and self-important beast, then no matter what he says, he's a Mama's Boy, blowhard and self-important beast.

If it appears that a guy has hangups and needs you around only to make himself feel normal, then no matter what he says, you are a seat filler.

If you have lived through both of these types of guys (or any other type of broken guy) and meet a new guy, it is best to have a self-defense filter installed.

If it appears that a guy's life isn't structured for a real relationship and he's emotionally unavailable, take notice and don't attach yourself before the guy shows you that he is available for a real relationship. If your filter is working correctly, you won't be completely crushed when the guy realizes that his life isn't structured for actual closeness and you won't be taken by surprise. If your filter is dirty and clogged, you're in for a world of hurt. If the guy consciously uses the way his life is structured as an excuse, he is simply an asshole and not worth your time when he skulks back full of more excuses so keep your filter maintained. If the unavailable guy is actually somewhat "right" for you and genuine, it will still hurt no matter how well you cleaned your filter. If the guy comes back and you are still around, the two of you will be stronger because of your filter. If he doesn't come back or you are not still around, thank goodness for your filter.

If you keep taking risks on people who interest you even though you have been hurt or disappointed in the past, then you are alive. If a guy doesn't really interest you but you still enter into a relationship, you are looking for someone to fill a seat simply to keep from being alone and that is not taking a risk.

The filter works both ways.